Winter can be a challenging time for managing mould in rental properties, as the cold and damp conditions often create the perfect environment for mould growth. However, with some planning and proactive measures, both rental providers and renters can significantly reduce the risk of mould and maintain a healthy living environment.
Mould is a type of fungus that thrives in environments with high humidity, moisture, and household dust. It spreads via airborne spores and can develop on almost any surface. During winter, indoor humidity often increases, leading to condensation when warm moist air meets cold surfaces. This can be mitigated by improving ventilation and reducing sources of moisture.
Practical tips for prevention
- Open windows and doors when weather permits.
- Use exhaust fans during activities that generate steam, such as cooking, bathing, and using the laundry.
- Ensure room ventilators and exhaust fans are clean and unobstructed.
Owner responsibilities
Mould in rental properties can often be attributed to water leaks caused by issues with roofs, windows, or faulty appliances. Rental providers need to promptly address these leaks to prevent moisture build-up, which can lead to mould growth. Ensuring the property has effective exhaust fans in bathrooms and other wet areas is crucial for maintaining good ventilation.
Renter responsibilities
Renters also play a vital role in preventing mould. At Kay & Burton, we provide all renters with a comprehensive fact sheet outlining their responsibilities. Key preventative measures include:
- Ventilation: Regularly opening doors and windows, particularly in bathrooms, laundries, and bedrooms, allows air to circulate and reduces indoor humidity. This is especially important during cooler weather when condensation is more likely to occur.
- Moisture control: Keeping wet areas as dry as possible, wiping away moisture on windows, sills, and walls, and drying damp clothes outside can all help minimise moisture build-up.
- Regular cleaning: Maintaining cleanliness by regularly dusting, cleaning carpets and rugs, and ensuring air conditioning filters and fan fins are free of dust, help prevent mould growth.
- Immediate action on leaks: If water leaks or spills occur, renters should clean and dry the area immediately to prevent moisture accumulation.
Both rental providers and renters have roles to play in preventing mould growth. By working together and taking preventative measures, maintaining a mould-free rental property during the winter months is achievable. If issues with mould persist, notifying the property manager promptly can lead to effective solutions and prevent further complications.
In compiling this article, Kay & Burton relied upon information supplied by several external sources. This article has been provided for general information only regarding and has not been tailored to your personal circumstance. Although high standards have been used in the preparation of the information, analysis, views, and projections presented in this article, Kay & Burton does not owe a duty of care to any person in respect of the contents of this document and does not accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever for any loss or damage resulting from any use of, reliance on or reference to the contents of this article.